By tropical trees in Madagascar "The Poppas"

Avenue or a Poppas
The trees look great and swollen like just emerged and the moment of the art of painting. These trees are scattered on the west side of Madagascar near the town of Morondava.
The road where the spread of tropical trees of between one attractions Tours and the most popular in Madagascar and protected by the government.
The Madagascar is from Algeria Alkhmsalcbr in the world and occupies the fifth place in the world the size of Texas and contains several of the thousands of different types of creatures that do not exist in other places.

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Rural tourism stunning nature ..otroyh absent

Rural tourism emerged in America and Europe for more than a hundred years, as governments have taken in New Zealand, Ireland, Yemen, France, England, Germany and China.

Rural tourism and an important means for the stability of the villages and villagers not to migrate to the cities, and in rural Scotland constitute 20% of the tourism economic activity. These countries have been given to rural tourism a major political and financial support, and in return got the returns ample of this tourism and the Universal Forum of the Committee on Global Economic Cooperation and Development, which is zero Province of China Guizhou elapsed consensus that rural tourism in China should be the customs and traditions of rural unique national culture include spirit of rural tourism, also identified Wei Xiao that China's social researcher Chinese rural tourism sites in the suburbs of large cities and orchards with high science and advanced technology and modern villages agriculture economically, which has become the purposes for hiking through the development and ancient villages after the development of the unique and famous such as the OTG Xing fields listed area of ​​agricultural landscapes Lin forces and fields Yuan Yang listed in the Chinese Yuan Nan province.

 Tourism and Rural Activity multi appearances, they include holidays people with special interests and activities of the curfew and cycling sports, tourism, fishing and environmental hotels and tourism farms because its inception in Britain, which has a development organizations such as holidays farms Office and the Association of rural villages for holidays weekends and told rural development, is also a Tourism farms in America due to its potential recreational harvest festivals such as rivers, lakes and cultural facilities and quiet countryside and picturesque nature, which helped to improve the wobbly economy in a number of the many areas of American agriculture. A study was conducted on holiday farms in southern Germany in 1996. So it is clear from the study that farm managers are doing recreational activities such as hunting and rural rides and sports 

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"Conca del Marini" Italy Hotel

.The hotel and resort was formerly a monastery for monks.
And complement the church bells started ringing from the remote scene magician.
The hotel has a large swimming pool overlooking the Amalfi Coast.
The hotel includes a steam baths and heated seats and placed in a domed Roman baths.
It can get out of the hotel to the small villages surrounded by shopping and buying.

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43 million tourists visited the Los Angeles 2014

City of Los Angeles has achieved new records for tourism and travelers who arrive at the international airport in the past year, it reached levels praised by the mayor of the city, describing it as critical to the region's economy.

Mayor Eric Garsita that 43.4 million tourists visited Los Angeles in 2014, which breaks the record for tourism for the fourth year in a row, the second largest city in the United States.

He Garsita The estimates indicate that more than 70 million passengers traveled through Los Angeles International Airport last year, another record for one of the busiest in the world.

He Garsita "continued growth and strength of the standard shattered tourism in Los Angeles for the numbers Asultan light on our economy and creates jobs rewarding pay for our families and are useful local businesses and generate significant revenue for the city to draw public services to meet the needs of our city."

"We must be on the people of Los Angeles can be proud that our city is a great favorite destination for visitors from throughout the United States and the world."

He Garsita The Los Angeles in 2014 achieved record figures regarding the number of international visitors, reaching 6.5 million visitors and the occupancy rate in hotels, reaching 79 per cent, while guest nights sales reached 28.04 million, an increase of 3.2 per cent from the previous year.

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Zanzibar campaign to boost tourism

The launch of a new promotional campaign under the name "Zanzibar tourism destination" in an attempt to boost tourism in Zanzibar, which is a destination unique in the Indian Ocean.

Zanzibar launches "Zanzibar tourism destination" campaign in the Gulf region to promote tourism

The campaign targets the public and private sectors, and aims to raise the level of tourism in Zanzibar which characterized as "more of the stunning nature, warm sun, and sand smooth, and the Sea net."

The campaign will be launched first in the Gulf region in particular it is not enough to take advantage of this region in the past.

The launch of the promotional campaign under the auspices of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism and Sports in Zanzibar, Zanzibar and the Committee on Tourism.

The announcement was made in the campaign Tourism Network Forum, which was held in the old lord of the city's hotel in Zanzibar, and the campaign has received support from the Office of the Presidency, the Council of State and government, and the Ministry of Immigration.

It should be noted that the forum has witnessed the presence of representatives of the Tourism Investors Association in Zanzibar, and the Association of Tour Operators Tourism Zanzibar as well as those interested in the tourism industry.

On the campaign Hafsa Mapamba explained the company "Gracrots Traveler / Grassroots Traveller" institution it supports "Zanzibar destination tourism" campaign as she attended the forum, which was seen as an opportunity for the local tourism industry in the public and private sectors, and provided an opportunity to meet with a group of prominent workers in this field as well journalists.

She also said: "I've been a forum in order to link workers in the local tourism tourist network sector, illuminating at the same time on what they are providing products and services, and the campaign aims to contribute to business growth, particularly in the tourism market which is characterized by competition, through providing strategic business solutions. "

She Mapamba: "Zanzibar has a lot of advantages in addition to the pristine beaches, and this is reflected in the character authentic and wonderful environment that allows everyone to enjoy the expertise of eco-friendly, come," Zanzibar and leisure destinations, "a campaign to highlight the beauty of Zanzibar Islands, and what can be offered to visitors of discoveries Fantastic. "

She added: "With the activation rate of tourism policy, which now focuses on the concept of" Tourism for All Act, "we are looking forward to meet the needs of both guest and host alike as Zanzibar is famous in the world as a destination beach is perfect, and it is paradise lovers enjoy the ocean, people who are looking to enjoy the climate Tropical, and in addition to that Zanzibar is famous for its many other advantages such as trade, history and culture, and so on. "

For its part, NL Hamilton explained, "Sstinabl East Africa / Sustainable East Africa" ​​Foundation, the sustainability of tourism in Zanzibar is an act possible, and work is underway to implement it.

She stressed that her company's cooperation with non-governmental institutions and the private sector, where close aims to achieve sustainable tourism in East Africa, and to encourage others to achieve integrated results, and build a constructive frameworks, and to enable those who need these services.

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Geneva best city for recreation in Europe in 2014

Geneva got the best city award for recreation in Europe in 2014 from the World Tourism Award Management, which was held in Athens on Aug. 2, 2014 in the presence of the most important companies and the pioneers of tourism and decision-makers and the media interested in global tourism.

The first Swiss city of Geneva that get this title

This is the prize Koskar in the global tourism domain, and accepted by the visitors to Geneva as the city to work, but competed with the oldest European cities such as Paris, London, Madrid, Rome and the prize has proved that it has great features to be a center for recreation and rest and stays short.

Geneva is the first Swiss city that get this title making them take a place on the world tourism map for being the heart of Europe and the gate of Switzerland, is known for the global standard of living is full of well-being in addition to the landscape and greenery picturesque.

This has visited about 184 thousand tourists from the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Geneva last year, compared with more than 166 thousand tourists in 2011, and the Saudis tourists came top of a number of Gulf tourists during the past two years.

The official in the tourism office Geneva Christel Johntina boycott the 183.967 tourists Gulf visited the city of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in 2012, of whom 76.616 tourists Saudis or the equivalent of 41.6% of the total Gulf tourists come after them Emiratis tourists number reached 52.076 tourists or the equivalent ratio of 28.3% .

With Qatari tourists ranked third at a rate of 19.042 tourists or the equivalent of 10.3%, followed by Kuwaitis 16.101 tourists increased by 8.7%, and the Bahraini 14.749 8.2%, and the Omanis 5383 tourists by 2.9%.

Those figures represent tourist nights only ie they include tourist who come down in a hotel or an apartment or residential house pays his rent, and does not include tourists who spend their holidays in their own residence, or when the knowledge to them where they go in the calculation of the number of entrants tourists to the country, and on this basis The number of tourist nights spent by tourists in the Gulf Geneva last year 183.967 nights compared to 166.815 nights in 2011, an increase of 10.3%.

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The most important tourist areas in Istanbul

Accommodation in Istanbul will not be complete without a trip on the ship above the Bosphorus, the strait that separates the winding Europe and Asia. Currently stands 330 meters next to the modem hotels yali (shorefront wooden villas), Algosoralazima beside the stone castles underdeveloped, and the juxtaposition of great vehicles and small fishing villages. The best way to see the Bosphorus to board one of the passenger steamer or a yacht that regularly Winding along the beaches. Go up in Amnono, and stop alternately on the Asian and European sides of the strait. Price of the trip shuttle, very reasonable (($ 25)), while the time is about six hours. If you want a special trip, there are agencies that specialize in organizing these trips, or at night or during the day and the most famous coral cruise compan

This divides the downstream in the form of a century of European Istanbul. It is one of the best natural harbors in the world, was formerly a center for the Navy Alberntah, Ottoman and the interests of the shipping business.

Bay heading west from the Bosphorus Victr European section two, and 4 miles in length and width half-mile, and are crossing from above by a fixed and floating bridges and another was an old locked with chains to prevent the invasion of Marine City
Today, Parks attractive and charming plans on the shores of the Golden Horn gorgeous scenery especially while the sun go down on the water. Finnair and in bales, neighborhoods half way above the Golden Horn, there is a whole street filled with old wooden houses, mosques and churches. Byzantine Alosmaniho. Byzantine system settles in Fenner ... either Ottoman or above the Golden Horn in yup, there are some wonderful examples of architecture Ottoman Muslims come from all over the world to visit Jupp Kami ((mosque and tomb of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari)), may Allah be pleased with him, one of the famous places. The region is still a popular place of burial, and the hills above the dotted mosque evidences modern graves scattered ornate Ottoman stones. Pierre Loti Cafe, at the top of the hill overlooking the shrine, the Golden Horn, a wonderful place to enjoy Bhdo and watch the Golden Horn.

Beyoglu example of the affected area architecture European affected by the past century has the second oldest Qtarellonfaq Europe, built by the French in 1875 presents a comprehensive tour to the beginning of Taksim near Thunell there Galata district, whose Galata Tower became famous icons in Istanbul and from the top of the tower you can see much of the city. From Thunell area to Taksim Square, one of the city's central shopping points and Entertainment and hiking, and libraries, and the role of Alcinme, and restaurants and Anyarabat that sell cheap trinkets and Bzalesmsm Turkish (famous) and street crowded throughout the day until late in the night, and there is also the old Ambassart Buildings and fish market. Also on this street church oldest in the region, six Mary dates back to 1789 and the church Franciscan, demolished and then rebuilt in 1913. The street ends at Taksim Square, an open field of a large, modern and always bustling hub of Istanbul, was crowned erect a prominent memory of Ataturk and the War of Independence. The main train station to the new tunnels under the box, a nearby bus station, and at the northern end of the Ataturk Cultural Center, one of the places of Istanbul Theater Festival. There are several hotels with five stars.

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